Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation

My Summer 2018 Wishlist

My Summer 2018 Wishlist | Writing Between Pauses

I don't often write wish list posts on my blog. To be completely honest, day to day, I can't ever really think of anything I wish for or need. I have too much stuff as it is, and sometimes worry about my love of things. Part of running this blog, for me, has been learning to use things multiple ways, trying to spend less money on beauty (I've succeeded in the last year and my blog has not suffered for it!). But sometimes, it's nice to just fantasize about what I would buy if I had all the extra money. 

And to be perfectly honest, even with that caveat... I still found it very hard to compile this list! That's me, absolutely over-practical until the very end. 

Anyway, here's my summer 2018 wish list. Share what you're wishing for in the comments! 

1. Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation

I'm working on a mega blog post about foundation right now (it has been about a month in the process at the time I'm writing this and it doesn't go up until mid-July). As a result, I have about 100 foundations I just really want to try. Ever since I saw the Peach Perfect foundation, I wanted to try it, but I'm always wary of Too Faced complexion products for some reason. That being said, I got a sample while writing my mega-foundation post... and while I don't want to give my full review here, I really loved it. 

2. These Dresses

It's been a really long time since I bought new clothes that I felt really good in. I primarily live in a wardrobe of leggings, t-shirts, and sweaters. But a few weeks ago, I bought a maxi dress at ROSS for $9 and suddenly, it's like I'm back in the game. I'm ready for a summer wardrobe again, after getting rid of every single one of my dresses over the last two years. 

3. An Instagram-Worthy Sun Hat

Sometimes, it's nice to admit you want something because it will look really good in photos. Case in point: I want one of these hats because they look really cute it Instagram photos. Also, sun protection. But mostly Instagram photos. 


4. A Really Good Vacation

Danny and I have been saying for months that we want to go on a legit vacation soon. A real one. Not one that's about Forrest (although he can have fun too). Not one that is about education. Not one that is about visiting anybody or cramming in activities. A vacation. A real one. Where we lounge around a pool, spend our evenings watching TV or around a fire pit, and generally eat too much, but get lots of exercise. No planned activities. No theme parks. A good vacation. It probably won't happen this summer, but maybe next.