beauty trends

3 TikTok Beauty Trends that Are Actually Worth It

3 TikTok Beauty Trends that Are Actually Worth It | Writing Between Pauses

You’ve probably seen plenty of TikTok trends at this point, even if you don’t use TikTok. Instagram Reels is basically just reposted or redone TikToks—making it pretty easy to stay up to date on what’s hip with the teens these days. (Do I sound old? I definitely sound old.)

I pay pretty close attention to beauty trends—always have and probably always will, even if I don’t wear makeup 90% of the time anymore. There are a few I tried out myself in 2020 and I wanted to share how much I thought they were worth it. Are those super cheap Tree Hut scrubs as great as they seem? What about SPF? Here are 3 trends I tried thanks to TikTok this year that are totally worth it.

tree hut sugar scrub tiktok trend

1. Tree Hut Sugar Scrubs

Such a trend that it was even on Refinery29.

When I first started seeing these TikToks on my For You page, I was a little weirded out; all these videos of girls in their shower, using 2-3 body washes, a sugar scrub, shaving with cream, 2 lotions… whew! It’s a lot. And I am very tired.

However, I’m a sucker for a body scrub. I also have strawberry skin on my legs (those little red/purple dots) and have for my entire life. What if this was the secret key?

I haven’t noticed a huge difference in that regard, but these are luxurious scrubs. They smell really good; they’re super affordable; and Tree Hut seems like a really great brand. There are so many varieties of scrub to choose from too—I have the coconut pineapple one and the Moroccan Rose. Both are amazing. (And true story, they make shaving your armpits way easier!)


2. Heatless Curls

Here’s one example, using the wide belt of a robe. These videos are everywhere. And true story, I’ve been using a heatless method using a headband to curl my hair since around 2017. (Here’s a great video explaining it!) I’m so glad this became a trend because I think it’s a really fun way to experiment and learn how to do your hair in a new way without causing damage. It definitely takes some time and practice and sometimes, it just doesn’t turn out quite how it should. (I’m still getting the hand of the belt/sock method!) This is one trend that is totally worth it to try.

3. CeraVe

If you’ve ever been to the dermatologist (and trust me, I’ve been a lot), you’ve probably had CeraVe recommended to you. It’s a dermatologist favorite because it’s readily available, affordable, and pretty darn good. I resisted the siren song of CeraVe for years because they’re aren’t technically cruelty free. But if there is one thing 2020 taught me, it’s that sometimes you have to use what works for you and sometimes people aren’t going to have access to the much more pricery, harder to find cruelty-free items. I still buy CF when I can, but it’s not a priority for me anymore, although I still respect CF skincare and beauty gurus.

That out of the way, CeraVe really blew up on TikTok thanks to “skincare TikTok” really taking off. I feel like every other year, we all rediscover skincare and try new things. 3 years ago, everyone had a 12-15 step skincare routine and a matching spreadsheet (me, looking at the sad, neglected skincare spreadsheet on my own iMac). Now, we’ve dialed things down. We don’t all need that many steps. And getting back to basics is really good for us.

I use the CeraVe Facial Moisturizer with SPF and have for about a year now. It really is worth it. Really. It’s better than every expensive SPF I’ve ever bought.

5 Beauty Trends I Want in 2018

5 Beauty Trends I Want in 2018 | Writing Between Pauses

Beauty trends, for the last few years, have been, quite frankly, a little wild. It feels like more people than ever love make up and spend time collecting and experimenting with beauty products and skincare. Over 2017, I started collecting a list of things I really, really wanted to see when it came to beauty--things that go against the trend (specifically on Instagram) when it comes to beauty. 

Here's what I'm going to be experimenting with in 2018. 

1. A reduction in skincare complexity

Does it feel like skincare routines have reached peak complexity? Some people are walking through 10+ steps every single night! When people talk about the Ordinary, a brand that sells affordable skincare products, they seem to start speaking a language I don't understand. To those new to skincare, who might not have skincare concerns (like serious acne or congestion), it's all just a lot. It's too much. 

Personally, even though I have serious skincare concerns (y'all know my acne story), I've dialed back my skincare routine a lot. I wash my face with jojoba oil every night, then a cream cleanser, spritz with Mario Badescu rose toner, and then top with jojoba oil. That's it! That's all I do! When people ask me about their skincare routine and how to improve it, and I see they're working with 8+ products already, I tell them the truth: you're doing too much. 

Sometimes, it's just too much! Some of these things really do work, like the 11-step Korean Beauty process, but realistically, it's just not good for every single skin type out there. In 2018, I want to see a return to simple, clean skincare routines that work without fuss and constant adjustment. 

2. Single-shadow eye looks

I love doing my eyeshadow. It's my favorite part of doing my makeup. But sometimes, working with all the transition shades and blending gets really exhausting. It just makes me tired. Lately, I've been experimenting with single-shadow looks that still allow for interest and dimension (without looking like I did in 7th grade, like I'd just smeared a color over my lid and called it good). I specifically like shiny, glossy, and metallic single-shadow looks. 

3. Purple blushes

I've been really into blush lately, a part of my routine that I think I ignored for most of my life. I used the same blush for about 10 years straight, and then in the last few months, I've acquired... 10 blushes, probably. I'm kind of a sucker for them. And all of them are the same purple-mauve family, a color that you don't often see. Most people think of blushes in shades of light pink or peach, but I really want to see more people rocking deep mauve and purple-toned blushes, because they look more natural and give your face more dimension. I'm about it! I really love the Beauty Crop's Mauve-ulous* blush duo. (I also recommend the Let's Get Cheeky set*, because it's such a great deal!)

4. Reduced contouring & highlighting

Listen: contouring is great. It looks great. Highlighting is pretty. It looks pretty!

But I'm so tired of doing them. I stopped contouring about 3 or 4 months ago because my make up routine was so long every morning! As well, I think we've hit peak contouring and highlighting; it's just become, like skincare, too much. It's being forced on us now. It's not fun anymore! Lately, I've been rocking a more subtle highlight, primarily by mixing the Beauty Crop's Lighting Crew* into my foundation. For an everyday look, I just don't think contouring and highlighting are realistic and, frankly, we don't need any more contouring and highlighting palettes on the market. There are so many as it is! Let us use up what we've got! 

5. Light or medium coverage foundation

Sometimes, I watched those sped up beauty videos on Instagram and find myself marveling. Extremely talented men and women will cover their face in stripes of Hourglass's stick foundation, one of the most full coverage foundations out there, then blend it in... and add Shape Tape and contour and more. It's just... a lot. And in person, that doesn't look so great. 

If you learn make up from YouTube and Instagram videos, it gives you the wrong idea of how those things look in person because they're using smoothing filters on their videos! Most people can't use more than medium coverage foundation or else it will end up cakey, no matter your skin texture. I would love to see more beauty guru's rocking light or medium coverage foundation and showing some real skin texture--freckles, pores, congestion, everything! 

What beauty trends do you want to see this year? 

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