
What Made Me Change My Mind About eSalon?*

What Made Me Change My Mind About eSalon? | Writing Between Pauses

Back in January 2017, I wrote a post about eSalon* (you can read that original post here). I didn't know it at the time, but that blog post would single-handedly drive most of my traffic for the better part of a year. I'm not joking! It's one of my most popular posts to date. 

My original experience with eSalon was not great. I was left disappointed and, honestly, a little sad about my hair color for a while. To recap, when I originally ordered from eSalon, I selected a color called Intense Pearl: a very dark brown with violet (aka cool) undertones. After I dyed my hair, my hair was dark brown with very bright red undertones. Definitely not what I was looking for, but it also wasn't the worst thing to happen to my hair. I was disappointed, mostly because there was little they could do in terms of formulation to fix it. 

After I wrote that post, I started getting referral credits from eSalon. Despite my not-so-great review, people used my referral link. This left me in a bit of a crunch: do I order more hair dye? Do I try again? 

I decided to go for it. What's the worst that could happen? I chose a plain brown close to my natural color (Chocolate Brown) and ordered. 

That was just about a year ago. I've been dyeing my hair Chocolate Brown every 8-12 weeks ever since. 

Shortly after the original first order, when my hair ended up dark red, I told my friend I would never order from eSalon again. 

Obviously, that wasn't the case. I did order from eSalon again--multiple times, actually. Recently, I started thinking about what made me change my mind. That second order, in April 2017, was made hesitantly, but as time has gone on, my opinion of eSalon has shifted. What made it change? 

And, more importantly, why do I sing the praises of eSalon to nearly every person I know? 

eSalon | Writing Between Pauses

1. Hair Color is Personal

The thing about hair color is that it's so intensely personal. Most people have very strong feelings when it comes to their hair color: they want it to look a very specific way. Some people exclusively have their hair dyed in a salon, because it's what they know. And some people, like me, are more comfortable with box dye. I grew up watching my mom dye her own hair (and my mom has dyed my hair a lot). 

That's the thing about eSalon. I feel like they combine the best of both worlds: the fun of dyeing your hair at home (it really is fun!) and the confidence of having it done in a salon. You can get exactly what you want, with perhaps a little tinkering. 

2. The Quality (& Supplies) Make Dyeing Your Hair an Experience

eSalon 2 | Writing Between Pauses

In my second review of eSalon (you can read that one here), I talk about how I don't think eSalon's quality is much better than a box you can buy at the grocery store. 

I was still feeling pretty wounded by my original experience there. But I'm going to have to eat my words now: the truth is, eSalon's quality is, like I said, better than box dye. That's just a fact: I don't experience the same issues with eSalon as I always did with box dye. It's just a better product. 

But beyond that, what you receive in your kit from eSalon is enough to make you switch! Not only do you receive your color (developer + color), you get a box of gloves (two pairs, one for dyeing and one for the shower, which is so handy; plus, these gloves actually fit your hands, instead of being those huge papery ones) and a box of shampoo, conditioner, stain guard, and stain remover. You don't get all that with a box of dye from the grocery store. 

Everything is just of a higher quality: good gloves that fit well, good shampoo and conditioner, and an amazing stain remover. Dyeing my hair is a relaxing activity that I really enjoy, so I like to make a process of it. I even have a color kit that I bought from eSalon, with a non-skid bowl, hair clips, and a brush. That's how much I enjoy dyeing my hair these days! 

3. Customer Service

My original experience with eSalon is everyone's worst fear, isn't it? You order some hair dye, you dye your hair, and it's... not what you wanted. It's not right! It makes everyone feel a bit panicky, because, as I said, hair color is intensely personal. It's also not something you can hide very much! And if you start where I did (postpartum, with my hair my natural color and very healthy), it can feel like a bit of a punch in the gut. 

eSalon tries to make it right though. I didn't take them up on their original offer to send me a new hair color; I was just too nervous! But they were more than willing to explain themselves regarding my original color and to try and make it right--and that's something anyone can really appreciate. If your color doesn't turn out how you want it to, they do what they can to change it or give you a refund.

Why Should You Try eSalon? 

I know what you're thinking: Michelleyour first experience made you so unhappy. Did you really change your mind or are you just saying this? Nope, I'm not just saying it! I genuinely love ordering from eSalon, look forward to my eSalon box, and really look forward to coloring my hair every two months or so. If you dye your hair frequently, you probably already know how to use box dye; and eSalon is a step above that. 

If you'd like to give eSalon a try, click here to try it out**.

*Disclaimer: a noted by the asterisk (*) in the title of this post, this is a sponsored post from eSalon! However, all thoughts are my own. The double asterisk (**) on links, as always, marks that these are affiliate links; I will receive a small kickback from eSalon if you place an order. This helps me keep Writing Between Pauses running. To read more about my disclosure policy, click here

How to Whiten Sensitive Teeth and Build Confidence in 2 Weeks*

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When I was pregnant with Forrest, I felt more confident than I ever had before. I loved being pregnant, even though I later found out that I was having what is often thought of a difficult pregnancy. (In my defense, if you have nothing to compare pregnancy to, it's hard to know if it sucks or not!) 

It was after I had Forrest that I started to feel really less-than-confident. Not only had my body been radically altered, but I felt like my entire face was different! I got very puffy during pregnancy and, even in the weeks that followed, I continued to look quite puffy and bloated. 

During pregnancy, I developed prenatal gingivitis. This is extremely common and is almost always something you can't really prevent from happening; I'd never had issues with my teeth before and I took extremely good care of my teeth. But my smile was affected by pregnancy, no matter how well I took care of my teeth. 

I worked really hard postpartum to improve my dental health--and I'm glad to say I don't have gingivitis anymore, thankfully! But my nervousness over my teeth, and how they look, had taken its toll. I knew I needed to try to gain some confidence back when it came to my smile. 

Enter Smile Brilliant. I had tried other tooth whitening systems in the past but found them cumbersome or so mild that they had no effect. I also didn't have the money to pay for professional whitening at my dentist's (trust me, I asked). So when I heard about Smile Brilliant, I knew I wanted to try it. And thankfully, the process is super simple! 

The Process

The Process - Smile Brilliant

Your first whitening kit comes with supplies to make tooth impressions, plus all the whitening and desensitizing gel you'll need for later. I had so much fun doing my impressions for my trays; I know that sounds dorky, but mixing up the base and catalyst was really fun. You just mix them together and press into the blue tray, then press onto your top or bottom teeth. (Then repeat for whichever ones you didn't do!) Once you've done your impressions, you let them dry and mail them back to Smile Brilliant, where they make you a set of your own, customer trays

That's really the secret to Smile Brilliant: these aren't generic trays or strips that might not fit on your teeth. Because they fit so well, it's easier to get an even whitening on your teeth! The process is so simple and fast; it felt like it took barely any time at all!  

But Does It Work?

Before and After | Writing Between Pauses

Once I got my trays, I was so excited to start! Since I received a sensitive kit (as I have quite sensitive teeth), I first use the whitening gel for about 30 minutes. I then use the desensitizing gel for 25 minutes. Within my first week of use, my husband commented on how much brighter my smile looked. If that's not a compliment, I don't know what is!

I used Smile Brilliant every night for about 10 days to achieve these results. I took a break after 10 days (and I'll talk about why in a little bit) and then started whitening every other day after that. On the days after I whitened, I tried to avoid anything that might heavily stain my teeth, like tomato sauce or coffee (that was a tough one). 

I'm really, really happy with my results. I bought a lavender lipstick a while ago that I absolutely love--but when I smiled, it made my teeth look so stained! I had pretty white teeth before, but that lipstick made them look dingy. I'm excited to try it again now that my teeth are brighter and whiter. There is nothing like having a brighter smile that makes you feel more confident about your appearance. 

A Few Notes

After 10 days, I experienced something that is known as "blanching": basically, I burned my gums with the whitening gel. The Smile Brilliant instructions are really specific about how much gel to put in my trays--but I had accidentally added a bit more than usual and thought, "It will be fine!" It wasn't fine. Within 5 minutes, my gums on the left side of my mouth were burning. I took it off and rinsed, then wore the desensitizing gel for about 15 minutes in the hope that it would help. My gums were fine within 24 hours, but it was a big lesson: follow the instructions! 

As I said, I have quite sensitive teeth, so I received a sensitive kit from Smile Brilliant; the desensitizing gel is an important step if you have more sensitive teeth because it helps bolster your teeth back up some you don't damage them. 

It goes without saying that if you want to try a whitening kit like Smile Brilliant, you should speak to your dentist first. I just gave my dentist a call and talked to him about it; he checked out the website and gave me the ok, with a reminder to follow their instructions and not go overboard.

Try It Yourself! 

I loved whitening my teeth with Smile Brilliant. To enter to win a credit for a Smile Brilliant kit, click here. You have 7 days to enter; this giveaway is open to USA, UK, Australia and Canadian residents. 

If you'd like to try Smile Brilliant, click here to purchase your own kit** and use coupon code WRITINGBETWEENPAUSES15 for 15% off! 

Disclaimer: As always, an asterisk (*) in the title of this post indicates that this is a sponsored post. I received my Smile Brilliant whitening kit for free in exchange for review from Smile Brilliant. However, all opinions are my own. As well, affiliate links are marked with a double asterisk (**); I do receive a small commission for any orders placed through these links. It helps me keep Writing Between Pauses running! To learn more about my disclosure policy, click here

4 Tips for Winter Hair Care*

4 Tips for Winter Hair Care | Writing Between Pauses

While my skin has always been a struggle for me (as my post about my acne demonstrates), I've always been incredibly blessed to have good hair. My hair is naturally very dark (almost black); it grows incredibly fast; and it's a good texture (very fine, but I have a lot of hair... like double the amount most people have). In many ways, having good hair has made up for my bad skin; if nothing else, my hair always looks great. 

Aside from graying pretty early in life (my first patch of gray hair was discovered at age 11), my other hair is has always been having a dry scalp. How is it that I struggle with way too oily of a face, but a bone dry scalp? What is going on there!? 

Every winter, undoubtedly, my scalp starts to really struggle. It gets itchy and flaky, even when my hair is greasy. I either wash too much or too little--and I can't tell which is worse! I spend a fortune on fancy shampoos, trying to find something cruelty free to use... only to crawl back to Head & Shoulders because while it is chemically blue and tested on animals, damn, at least it works, right? 

This year, I started my research early. I wanted to avoid the Head & Shoulders crawl and find natural, cruelty free products that worked. I was lucky enough to receive a sample of Tea Tree Oil shampoo from Maple Holistics.

I decided to write up my 4 tips for hair care during the winter. These tips will keep your scalp clean, non-itchy, and moisturized, while ensuring your hair looks gorgeous. 

1. Find a Good Shampoo

Like I said, I feel like I spend a small fortune every winter trying to find a shampoo that will help my scalp--and yet, I always end up back at Head & Shoulders. I'm so glad I was able to find a shampoo that actually works. 

The Tea Tree Oil Shampoo from Maple Holistics* really is one of the best shampoos I've used for my scalp. It has a lovely, tea tree and rosemary oil scent and helps keep my scalp from flaking and getting too dry. Maple Holistics also has an amazing free sample program, so if you want to try some of their products, you can sign up for that here.

While it might not be the perfect shampoo, it's definitely worth a shot--and at $8.95 for a bottle, it's very affordable; as well, it's cruelty free and made with all natural ingredients. And for me, that's worth a lot! 

2. Shampoo When Your Hair Needs It

For a few years, there has been a back and forth about how often to wash our hair. Growing up, I was taught to wash my hair nearly every single day. Skipping a day, to my mom, was really gross. However, as I got older, I realized that washing my hair every day made my scalp really dry and my hair really frizzy. In college, I would go 2-3 days between washes, but I still kept a very strict schedule. Recently, my friend said that her dermatologist's advice was: "wash your hair when it needs it." 

God, that seems so simple, right? If your hair is greasy, wash it. If your scalp is dry and itchy, wash it. If your hair feels like it needs washed, wash it! Even if it was just yesterday the last time you washed it. You don't have to follow anyone else's schedule for their hair. 

3. Use Jojoba Oil 

I've seen lots of posts about using coconut oil for your scalp. I've used baby oil and olive oil in the past as well, but as I've written before, jojoba oil is the closest oil to what we produce naturally. Therefore, I just trust it more when it comes to moisturizing! Coconut oil made my scalp break out severely once (it is comedogenic, so never ever use it on your face... seriously), so I don't recommend it. However, a few drops of jojoba on my scalp at night before bed, especially when the weather is cold and dry helps my scalp to not be so itchy. 

4. Avoid Wearing Hats & Ponytails With Wet Hair

What's the number one cause of dry itchy scalp? Popping a hat on your hair when it is still wet or putting it into a ponytail or bun when it is still wet. This traps moisture on your scalp, which makes it a breeding ground for bacteria--causing dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and more. If you need to wear a hat, make sure you blow dry your hair thoroughly or let it air dry before putting it on; same with a ponytail. 

*Disclaimer: As always, use of a single asterisk in the post title denotes that I received free product or payment in exchange for this post. However, all recommendations and opinions remain my own! You can read more about my disclosure policy here